Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals
This course provides foundational level knowledge on security, compliance, and identity concepts and related cloud-based Microsoft solutions.
Public visé :
Toute personne intéressée par les solutions de sécurité, de conformité et d'identité Microsoft
Objectifs pédagogiques:
À l'issue de ce cours, vous serez capable de :
- Être capable de décrire les concepts de base de la sécurité, de la conformité et de l'identité
- Pouvoir comprendre les concepts et les fonctionnalités des solutions Microsoft de gestion des identités et des accès
- Décrire les capacités des solutions de sécurité Microsoft
- Comprendre les fonctionnalités de gestion de la conformité de Microsoft
Pré-requis :
- Compréhension générale des concepts de réseautage et de cloud computing
- Connaissances informatiques générales ou toute expérience pratique dans un environnement informatique
- Compréhension générale de Microsoft Azure et Microsoft 365
Programme de cours
Module 1: Describe basic concepts of security, compliance, and identity.
Learn about core concepts and methodologies that are foundational to security, compliance, and identity solutions, including Zero-Trust, shared responsibility, the role of identity providers, and more.
- Describe security and compliance concepts and methodologies
- Describe identity concepts
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe security and compliance concepts and methodologies
- Describe identity concepts
Module 2: Describe the concepts and capabilities of Microsoft identity and access management solutions
Learn about Azure AD services and identity principals, secure authentication, access management capabilities, as well as identity protection and governance.
- Describe the basic services and identity types of Azure AD
- Describe the authentication capabilities of Azure AD
- Describe the access management capabilities of Azure AD
- Describe the identity protection and governance capabilities of Azure AD
Lab : Explore Azure Active Directory
Lab : Explore Azure AD Authentication with self- service password rese
Lab : Explore access management in Azure AD with Conditional Access
Lab : Explore identity governance in Azure AD with Privileged Identity Management
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe the basic services and identity types of Azure AD
- Describe the authentication capabilities of Azure AD.
- Describe the access management capabilities of Azure AD.
- Describe the identity protection and governance capabilities of Azure AD.
Module 3: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft security solutions
Learn about security capabilities in Microsoft. Topics covered will include network and platform capabilities of Azure, Azure security management, and Microsoft Sentinel. You’ll learn about threat protection with Microsoft 365 Defender and Microsoft 365 security management, and you'll explore endpoint protection with Intune.
- Describe the basic security capabilities in Azure
- Describe the security management capabilities of Azure
- Describe the security capabilities of Microsoft Sentinel
- Describe the threat protection capabilities of Microsoft 365
- Describe the security management capabilities of Microsoft 365
- Describe endpoint security with Microsoft Intune
Lab : Explore Azure Network Security Groups (NSGs)
Lab : Explore Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Lab : Explore Microsoft Sentinel
Lab : Explore Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
Lab : Explore the Microsoft 365 Defender portal
Lab : Explore Microsoft Intune
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe the basic security capabilities in Azure.
- Describe the security management capabilities of Azure.
- Describe the security capabilities of Microsoft Sentinel.
- Describe the threat protection capabilities of Microsoft 365.
- Describe the security management capabilities of Microsoft 365.
- Describe endpoint security with Microsoft Intune.
Module 4: Describe the capabilities of Microsoft compliance solutions
Learn about compliance solutions in Microsoft. Topics covered will include Compliance center, Information protection and governance in Microsoft 365, Insider Risk, audit, and eDiscovery solutions. Also covered are Azure resources governance capabilities.
- Describe the compliance management capabilities in Microsoft
- Describe the information protection and governance capabilities of Microsoft 365
- Describe the insider risk capabilities in Microsoft 365
- Describe the eDiscovery and audit capabilities of Microsoft 365
- Describe the resource governance capabilities in Azure
Lab : Explore the Service Trust Portal
Lab : Explore the Microsoft 365 compliance center & Compliance Manager
Lab : Explore sensitivity labels in Microsoft 365
Lab : Explore Insider Risk Management in Microsoft 365
Lab : Explore the Core eDiscovery workflow
Lab : Explore Azure Policy
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe the compliance management capabilities in Microsoft.
- Describe the information protection and governance capabilities of Microsoft 365.
- Describe the insider risk capabilities in Microsoft 365.
- Describe the eDiscovery and audit capabilities of Microsoft 365.
- Describe the resource governance capabilities in Azure
Certification (en option) :
Prévoir l'achat d'un bon en supplément
Le passage de l'examen se fera (ultérieurement) dans un centre agréé Pearson Vue
L'examen (en anglais) s'effectuera en ligne
Modalités d’évaluation des acquis :
En cours de formation, par des études de cas ou des travaux pratiques