Db2 12 for zOS: Basics for DBA Beginners (CV042G)


Db2 12 for z/OS DBAs can develop fundamental skills or recognition through lectures and hands-on exercises of:


  • TSO/E and ISPF
  • Data sets
  • Db2 Objects
  • Structured Query Language
  • Db2 Commands
  • JCL and SDSF
  • Db2 Utilities
  • Db2 Logging
  • Db2 Program Preparation

The course materials cover Db2 12 for z/OS.


This beginning DB2 basic course is for z/OS database administrators who need to acquire the basic skills required to administer a DB2 database in a z/OS environment.




  • Describe several services provided in a z/OS environment
  • Explain workloads in the batch environment
  • Explain workloads in the online environment
  • Describe job roles in a z/OS environment
  • Log On to TSO/E
  • Navigate TSO/E and ISPF
  • Use TSO commands
  • Setup and utilize JCL (Job Control Language)
  • Utilize SDSF
  • Describe the different types of data sets in a z/OS environment
  • Allocate data sets and list data set information and content
  • Create and modify data set content
  • Give an overview of the Db2 12 environment
  • Describe and utilize Db2 Objects
  • Describe and utilize several DB2 Utilities
  • Describe the Db2I (Db2 Interactive Facility) environment
  • Use SPUFI (SQL Processing Using File Input) to compose and execute SQL
  • Setup and execute Db2 Commands
  • Understand Db2 Logging
  • Describe Db2 program preparation process
  • Understand Db2 startup and shutdown
  • Understand and utilize Db2 recovery strategies
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Course Outline

Unit 1Introduction

  • The modern Mainframe Environment
  • Defining z/OS
  • What are the benefits of z/OS?
  • Typical z/OS workloads
  • Batch processing
  • Online Transaction Processing
  • Job roles in the Mainframe environment
  • z/OS Components and Services
  • UNIX System Services
  • The Parallel Sysplex Environment
  • z/OS Management Interfaces


Unit 2TSO/E and ISPF

  • Emulators
  • z/VM systems
  • 2.1. TSO/E
  • TSO Logon panel
  • Changing passwords
  • Additional logon panel options
  • The Reconnect option
  • TSO READY prompt
  • TSO HELP command
  • LISTALC command
  • PROFILE command
  • Changing PROFILE
  • LOGOFF command
  • Scripting support
  • 2.2. ISPF
  • What is ISPF
  • ISPF command
  • ISPF Primary Option Menu
  • Primary Option Menu Areas
  • Action Bar
  • Options option
  • ISPF Settings
  • Global Color Change Utility
  • Function Keys
  • Option or Command Prompt
  • Keylist Utility
  • F3 Exit
  • F1 Help
  • F2 Split
  • ISPF Navigation Techniques
  • More ISPF commands
  • Option listing
  • ISPF Command Shell
  • TSO Command Prefix


Unit 3Data Sets

  • Data sets
  • Types of data sets
  • DASD versus Tape
  • Volumes
  • Storage allocation
  • Data set naming conventions
  • Catalogs
  • Storage Management
  • Checkpoint
  • 3.2. Sequential Data Sets
  • Creating data sets
  • Utility Selection Panel
  • Data Set Utility Panel
  • Creating a data set
  • Allocate New Data Set
  • Creating a sequential data set
  • Editing a sequential data set
  • ISPF Editor
  • ISPF Editor primary commands
  • ISPF Editor line commands
  • Data Set List Utility
  • Data set name wild cards
  • Data Set List Utility
  • DSLIST results
  • Select Action
  • HELP on Line Commands
  • DSLIST by volume
  • 3.3. Partitioned Data Sets
  • Partitioned data sets
  • Creating a PDS
  • PDS members
  • Creating a PDS member Library Utility Panel
  • DSLIST Utility
  • PDS Member List
  • Member Actions
  • 3.4. VSAM Data Sets
  • VSAM data sets
  • VSAM data set components
  • Creating a VSAM data set


Unit 4JCL and SDSF

  • 4.1. JCL
  • Batch Jobs versus Online Transactions
  • Batch job activities
  • Creating the batch job
  • JCL: Job Control Language
  • Statement format
  • JOB statement
  • EXEC statement
  • DD statement
  • Instream Input Data Set
  • Instream Output Data Set
  • Sample Jobstream 1
  • Sample Jobstream 2
  • Submitting the job
  • Notification
  • 4.2. SDSF
  • SDSF
  • SDSF Primary Option Menu
  • Output and Held queues
  • PREFIX command
  • Working with queue query
  • Select command
  • ? command
  • Canceling or Purging output
  • Sample jobstream 1 revisited
  • Sample jobstream 2 revisited


Unit 5Db2 Relational Database Concepts

  • Relational Database Systems
  • Db2 for z/OS and Db2 family
  • The Db2 Optimizer
  • Benefits of Db2 for z/OS
  • Database
  • Tables
  • Indexes
  • Primary Key
  • Relationships
  • Referential Integrity
  • Integrity Rules
  • Data domains
  • Table scan access
  • Index access
  • Interacting with Db2
  • Transactions


UNIT 6 Structured Query Language (SQL) and SPUFI

  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • SQL categories
  • SELECT statement
  • SELECT list
  • FROM clause
  • Simple SELECT statement
  • SUBSTR function
  • SELECT with SUBSTR function
  • WHERE clause
  • SELECT with WHERE clause
  • IN operator
  • WHERE with IN operator
  • BETWEEN operator
  • WHERE with BETWEEN operator
  • LIKE operator
  • WHERE with LIKE operator
  • ORDER BY clause
  • The NULL value
  • Putting it all together
  • Joining tables
  • Correlation Names
  • Additional criteria
  • Cartesian products
  • Executing SQL


Unit 7 Db2 Objects

  • 7.1. Databases and Table Spaces
  • Db2 objects
  • The Db2 catalog
  • Storage group
  • Database
  • Table Space
  • Segmented table space
  • Partitioned table space
  • Partition By Growth table space
  • Partition By Range table space
  • VSAM data sets
  • 7.2. Tables, Indexes and Views
  • Table
  • Partitioned table
  • Index
  • Clustering index
  • Index space
  • Partitioned index
  • View
  • 7.3. Qualified names, Implicit Object Creation, and SQL statements
  • Qualyfing Db2 objects
  • Implicit object creation
  • DML statements
  • Insert statement
  • UPDATE statement
  • DELETE statement
  • COMMIT statement
  • ROLLBACK statement


Unit 8The Db2 System

  • The Db2 system
  • System parameters
  • Required address spaces
  • Optional address spaces
  • Started tasks
  • Master address space
  • System databases
  • Directory
  • Catalog
  • System database data sets
  • Data pages
  • Buffer pools
  • Buffer pools: Read operations
  • Buffer pools: Write operations
  • System buffer pools
  • Db2 logging
  • Bootstrap data set
  • Db2 locking
  • Integrity issues
  • Transaction locks
  • Isolation Levels
  • User interfaces


Unit 9Db2 Commands and Program Preparation

  • Accessing Db2
  • Db2 Commands
  • Db2 commands
  • Command format
  • Other DISPLAY DATABASE options
  • Executing commands
  • Executing commands: TSO
  • Executing commands: Batch
  • Executing commands: SDSF
  • Program Preparation
  • Db2 program preparation
  • Source program
  • Precompiler
  • Compile and link edit
  • Database Request Module
  • Bind plan
  • Bind plan
  • Program execution


Unit 10 Db2 Utilities

  • Utility categories
  • Utility and Tools Packaging
  • Standalone utilities
  • Service aids and samples
  • Online utilities
  • UNLOAD utility
  • UNLOAD control statement
  • LOAD utility
  • LOAD utility steps
  • Restrictive states
  • Db2| Utility Generator
  • Utility Panel One
  • Utility Panel Two
  • Utility batch job
  • SYSUTIL table


Unit 11 Db2 Shutdown, Startup, and Recovery

  • Buffer Pools and Logging
  • Normal Db2 Shutdown
  • Restart phases
  • Starting Db2 after a normal shutdown
  • Abnormal Db2 shutdown
  • Starting Db2 after an abnormal shutdown
  • Log initialization
  • Current status rebuild
  • Forward log recovery
  • Backward log recovery
  • Object backup and recovery
  • COPY utility
  • Table space recovery
  • RECOVER utility


Unit 12 Course Summary

  • z/OS topics
  • Db2 for z/OS topics
  • Other Db2 courses
  • Db2 for z/OS certifications
  • Course Evaluation