Managing Data Protection with Hitachi Ops Center Protector (TSI2995)

This course provides training on how to use Hitachi Ops Center Protector to orchestrate and manage Hitachi replication software products such as Hitachi ShadowImage® and Hitachi Thin Image. The course includes a description of the major components for Protector orchestration such as Node, Policies and Data Flows.

It also includes a review of storage, host and application-based operations, such as snapshot, backup and others. In addition, you will have the opportunity to practice with hands-on lab activities designed to build the skills necessary to use Protector as the key orchestration layer for these products.


This course prepares you for thefollowing Hitachi Vantara Qualified Professional qualification test:

  • Hitachi VantaraQualified Professional - Ops Center protection (HQT-6711) Exam

Target Audience


