IBM Storage Scale Administration (Digital version)
The course includes information on the Storage Scale installer toolkit, installer GUI, cluster upgrade scenarios, cluster health monitoring, cluster performance data collection and monitoring, management GUI, file system encryption, cluster security, and call home features. Many of the features are described in lecture materials and implemented in lab exercises.
This lecture and exercise-based course is for individuals who want to expand their knowledge of Storage Scale advanced installation and management capabilities.
You should have taken:
- Getting Started with IBM Storage Scale (H010DG)
- Use advanced installer tools to install Storage Scale
- Upgrade a cluster to a newer level of Storage Scale
- Monitor cluster health
- Configure cluster performance data collection
- Monitor cluster performance
- Configure cluster security options
- Encrypt file system data
- Configure the Storage Scale call home feature
Course Outline
Unit 1: Advanced installation techniques
U1V1 - Storage Scale Prerequisite Information Review
U1V2 - Manual Installation of Storage Scale
U1V3 - Installation Toolkit
Exercise 1: Advanced installation techniques
Quiz: 30 minutes
Unit 2: Upgrading a cluster
U2V1 - Introduction
U2V2 - Manually Upgrading a Cluster
U2V3 - Upgrading Using the Installation Toolkit
U2V4 - Completing the Upgrade
U2V5 - Reverting to the Previous Level
Exercise 2: Upgrading a cluster
Quiz: 30 minutes
Unit 3: Monitoring cluster health
U3V1 - Health Management Framework
U3V2 - Storage Scale Management GUI
U3V3 - Event Notification Methods
Exercise 3: Monitoring cluster health
Quiz/Project 30 minutes
Unit 4: Performance monitoring and tuning
U4V1 - Performance Tuning
U4V2 - Performance Monitoring
Exercise 4: Monitoring cluster performance
Quiz: 30 minutes
Unit 5: Cluster and data security
U5V1 - Secure Administration
U5V2 - Securing Data in Motion
U5V3 - Securing Data at Rest
U5V4 - Implementing Encryption
Exercise 5: Cluster and data security
Quiz: 30 minutes
Unit 6: Storage Scale call home
U6V1 - Storage Scale Call Home Introduction
U6V2 - Configuring and Using Call Home
U7V1 or U6V3 Course Summary video
Exercise 6: Storage Scale call home
Quiz/Project 30 minutes