IBM Storage Scale Remote Data Access (Digital version)
Enterprises are creating, analyzing and keeping more data than ever before. An organization’s underlying storage must support new-era big data and artificial intelligence workloads along with traditional applications while ensuring security, reliability and high performance. IBM Storage Scale meets these challenges as a high-performance solution for managing data at scale.
This course is intended for IT professionals tasked with administering a Storage Scale storage cluster consisting of Linux nodes. The course includes information on various Storage Scale features that enable remote access to data that is stored in a cluster file system. This includes: multi-cluster support, clustered NFS, cluster export services (CES) and protocol support (NFS, SMB, and Object), Active File Management (AFM), and AFM-based Asynchronous Disaster Recovery (AFM DR). The features are described in lecture materials and implemented in lab exercises.
This lecture and exercise-based course is for individuals who want to configure a Spectrum Scale cluster to allow remote data access.
Students must already know the basics of installing, configuring and managing a Storage Scale clustered file system. This prerequisite can be met by attending the following courses:
H010DG - IBM Storage Scale Fundamentals
H011DG - IBM Storage Scale Administration
- Configure a cluster to allow remote file system access
- Mount a Storage Scale file system from a remote cluster
- Implement Active File Management (AFM)
- Summarize AFM cache modes
- Describe AFM DR
- Differentiate AFM and AFM DR
- Implement AFM DR
- Describe and implement Clustered NFS (CNFS)
- Describe the Cluster Export Services (CES) architecture
- Implement CES protocols (NFS, SMB, and Object)
- Differentiate CNFS and CES NFS
Course Outline
Unit/Module 1: IBM Storage Scale Remote Data Access Overview [2 hours]
Topic/Lesson 1: Describing the Multi-Cluster Architecture
Topic/Lesson 2: Configure a cluster environment to allow remote file system access
Topic/Lesson 3: Mounting a file system from a home cluster
Exercise 1: Configuring multi-cluster file system access
Quiz: 30 min
U2V1: AFM Architecture and Summary of AFM Terminology Including Home and Cache Filesets
U2V2: Differentiate AFM Cache Modes and Distinguish Application and Gateway Nodes
U2V3: Create and Manage an AFM Relationship
Exercise 2: Configuring Active File Management (AFM)
Quiz/Project: 30 min
U3V1: AFM DR Architecture and Summary of AFM DR Terminology Including Primary and Secondary Filesets
U3V2: Differentiating AFM DR and AFM
U3V3: Creating Primary and Secondary Filesets
U3V4: Describing the Failover and Failback Procedures
Exercise 3: Configuring AFM-based Asynchronous Disaster Recovery (AFM DR)
Quiz: 30 min
U4V1: CNFS Architecture and Its Advantages
U4V2: Static and Aliased IP Address Configurations
U4V3: CNFS Failover Process and Group IDs_Designing Implementing and Managing a CNFS Cluster
Exercise 4: Configuring Clustered NFS (CNFS)
Quiz: 30 min
U5V1: Cluster Export Services CES
U5V2: Open-Source Software and CES Requirements
U5V3: IP Addrss Distribution - CES Cluster and Node Status - Implementing a CES Cluster
Exercise 5: Configuring Cluster Export Services (CES)
Quiz: 30 min
Unit 6: CES NFS protocol support
U6V1: Describe and enable the CES NFS protocol service (Slides 3-6)
U6V2: Configure and manage CES NFS protocol exports (Slides 7-18)
U6V3: Summary of NFS vs. CNFS and configuration (Slides 19-20)
Exercise 6: Configuring CES NFS protocol exports
Quiz: 30 min
Unit 7: CES SMB protocol support
U7V1: Samba and the CES SMB protocol service (Slides 3-6)
U7V2: Configure and manage CES SMB protocol shares (Slides 7-10)
U7V3: CES SMB configuration steps (Slides 11-16)
Exercise 7: Configuring CES SMB protocol shares
Quiz: 30 min
Unit 8: CES object protocol support
U8V1: Object storage and addressing concepts (Slides 3-5)
U8V2: Introduction to Object storage in Storage Scale (Slides 6-10)
U8V3: Configuring Storage Scale object protocol support (Slides 11-15)
U8V4: Unified file and object access (Slides 16-21)
U8V5: Object multi-region and S3 considerations (Slides 21 - 24)
Exercise 8: Configuring CES object protocol storage
Quiz/Project: 30 min