Challenge Labs - 90 Days Collection Pass-AWS-Solutions Architect Associate (LODS-CL-COL-AWS-SAA-1)

Challenge Labs are designed to extend and expand your learning experience with hands-on, scenario-based exercises. Challenge labs are goal oriented, short-duration, scenario-based hands-on exercises, and an excellent way to provide additional skills development and assessment. As new challenge labs are released, and you will gain automatic access to them for the duration of your subscription.


  • IT Professionals who are looking to keep up to date on features and functionality for a particular technology
  • IT Professionals who are responsible for supporting multiple technologies
  • IT Professional/Developers who are preparing for vendor certification exams

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Challenge Labs Levels

There are three levels of Challenges included in your Library.

  • Guided - Step-by-step instructions with detailed hints [Duration ~ 30 minutes]
  • Advanced- Given requirements, students utilize resource information [Duration ~ 45 minutes]
  • Expert - Spans multiple products, technologies, and platforms [Duration ~ 60 minutes]

Challenge Lab Topics

This dedicated collection of Challenge Labs is intended for individuals who perform in a solutions architect role. The Challenges help to prepare for the exam SAA - C01 which validates an examinee’s ability to effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on AWS technologies.