Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++ (NFACWC-OD)

The CUDA computing platform enables the acceleration of CPU-only applications to run on the world’s fastest massively parallel GPUs. Experience C/C++ application acceleration by:

  • Accelerating CPU-only applications to run their latent parallelism on GPUs
  • Utilizing essential CUDA memory management techniques to optimize accelerated applications
  • Exposing accelerated application potential for concurrency and exploiting it with CUDA streams
  • Leveraging command line and visual profiling to guide and check your work

Upon completion, you’ll be able to accelerate and optimize existing C/C++ CPU-only applications using the most essential CUDA tools and techniques. You’ll understand an iterative style of CUDA development that will allow you to ship accelerated applications fast.


Basic C/C++ competency including familiarity with variable types, loops, conditional statements, functions, and array manipulations. No previous knowledge of CUDA programming is assumed.

Suggested Resources to Satisfy Prerequisites

The interactive tutorial.

Tools, Libraries, and Frameworks Used

  • CUDA C++
  • nvcc
  • Nsight Systems